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Bauducco, S., Pillion, M., Bartel, K., Reynolds, C., Kahn, M., Gradisar, M. (2024). The difficult but crucial task of knowledge translation: The case of pre-sleep technology use. Reply to Reichenberger et al. and the National Sleep
Foundation’s screen use recommendations. Sleep Medicine Reviews.
Bonnar, D., Gradisar, M., Kahn, M., Richardson, C. (2024). The Sleep, Anxiety, Mood, and Cognitive Performance of Oceanic Rocket League Esports Athletes Competing in a Multiday Regional Event. Journal of Electronic Gaming and Esports.
Bauducco, S., Pillion, M., Bartel, K., Reynolds, C., Kahn, M., Gradisar, M. (2024). A bidirectional model of sleep and technology use: A theoretical review of How much, for whom, and which mechanisms. Sleep Medicine Reviews.
Kahn, M., Irwin,C., Pillion, M., Whittall, H., Fitton, J., Sprajcer,M., Gradisar, M. (2023). Sleepless on the road: Are mothers of infants with insomnia at risk for impaired driving? Journal of Sleep Research.
Reynolds, C., Short, M., Kahn, M., Richardson, C., Heath, M., Whittall, H., Lack, L., Gradisar, M. (2023). Development of evening sleep homeostatic pressure in early adolescent boys. Sleep Medicine, Vol 110, 54-59.
Whittall, H., Gradisar, M., Fitton, J., Pillion, M., Kahn, M. (2023). Can cry tolerance be increased in mothers of infants with sleep problems, and why does it matter? A quasi-experimental study. Sleep Medicine, Vol 107, 64-71.
Kahn, M., Barnett, N., Gradisar, M. (2023). Behavioral infant sleep interventions: helping parents and clinicians make scientifically-informed decisions. The Journal of Pediatrics.
Kahn, M. (2023). Insomnia in infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Sleep Medicine Clinics, Vol 18(2), 135-145.
Bonnar, D., Hwu, M., Lee, S., Gradisar, M., Suh, S., Kahn, M. (2023) The influence of coaches and support staff on the sleep habits of Esports athletes competing at professional and semiprofessional level. Journal of Electronic Gaming and Esports, Vol 1, 1-12.
Kahn, M., Barnett, N., Gradisar, M. (2023). Implementation of Behavioral Interventions for Infant Sleep Problems in Real-world Settings. The Journal of Pediatrics, Vol 255, 137-146.
Daniels, A., Pillion, M., Rullo, B., Mikulcic, J., Whittall, H., Bartel, K., Kahn, M., Gradisar, M, Bauducco, S. (2023). Technology use as a sleep-onset aid: Are adolescents using apps to distract themselves from negative thoughts? Sleep Advances, Vol 4, 1-7.
Jang, E., Kang, S., Bei, B., Chung, S., Gradisar, M., Kahn, M., Barnett, N., Suh, S. (2023). Validation of the Parental Understanding and Misperceptions about BAby's Sleep Questionnaire using auto-videosomnography. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
Pillion, M., Gradisar, M., Bartel, K., Whittall, H., Kahn, M. (2022) What’s “app”-ning to adolescent sleep? Links between device, app use, and sleep outcomes. Sleep Medicine, Vol 100, 174-182.
Pillion, M., Gradisar, M., Whittall, H., Mikulcic, J., Daniels, A., Rullo, B., Kahn, M. (2022) Wi-Fi off, devices out: do parent-set technology rules play a role in adolescent sleep? Sleep Medicine: X, Vol 4.
Gradisar, M., Kahn, M., Micic, G., Short, M., Reynolds, C., Orchard, F., Bauducco, S., Bartel, K., Richardson, C. (2022) Sleep’s role in the development and resolution of adolescent depression. Nature Reviews Psychology, Vol 1(9), 512-523.
Sprajcer, M., Crowther, M.E., Vincent, G.E., Thomas, M.J.W., Gupta, C.C., Kahn, M., Ferguson, S.A. (2022) New parents and driver safety: What’s sleep got to do with it? A systematic review. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior, Vol 89, 183-199.
Kahn, M., Barnett, N., Gradisar, M. (2022). Let’s talk about sleep baby: Sexual activity postpartum and its links with room sharing, parent sleep, and objectively measured infant sleep and parent nighttime crib visits. The Journal of Sex Research.
Pesonen, A. K. Kahn, M., Kuula, L., Korhonen, T., Leinonen, L., Martinmaki, K., Gradisar, M., Lipsanen, J. (2022) Sleep and physical activity – the dynamics of bi-directional influences over a fortnight. BMC Public Health, Vol 22(1), 1160.
Bonnar, D., Lee, S., Roane, B.M., Blum, D.J., Kahn, M., Jang, E., Dunican, I.C., Gradisar, M., Suh, S. (2022) Evaluation of a Brief Sleep Intervention Designed to Improve the Sleep, Mood, and Cognitive Performance of Esports Athletes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol 19(7), 4146.
Bourboulis, S., Gradisar, M., Kahn, M. (2022). The ‘Dream Changer’: A randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of a parent-based intervention for childhood nightmares. Sleep, Vol 45(4).
Kahn, M., Korhonen, T., Leinonen, L., Martinmaki, K., Kuula, L., Pesonen, A. K., Gradisar, M. (2021) Is It Time We Stop Discouraging Evening Physical Activity? New Real-World Evidence From 150,000 Nights. Frontiers in Public Health, Vol 9, 772376.
Kahn, M., Gradisar, M. (2021). Sleeping through COVID-19: A longitudinal comparison of 2019 and 2020 infant auto-videosomnography metrics. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Vol 63(6), 693-700.
Kahn, M., Barnett, N., Glazer, A., Gradisar, M. (2021). COVID-19 babies: auto-videosomnography and parent reports of infant sleep, screen time, and parent well-being in 2019 vs 2020. Sleep Medicine, Vol 85, 259-267.
Whittall, H., Kahn, M., Pillion, M., Gradisar, M. (2021) Parents Matter: Barriers and Solutions when Implementing Behavioural Sleep Interventions for Infant Sleep Problems. Sleep Medicine, Vol 84, 244-252.
Kahn, M., Barnett, N., Glazer, A., Gradisar, M. (2021). Infant sleep during COVID-19: Longitudinal analysis of infants of US mothers in home confinement vs working as usual. Sleep Health: Journal of the National Sleep Foundation, Vol 7(1), 19-23.
Kahn, M., Schnabel, O., Gradisar, M., Rozen, G., Slone, M., Atzaba-Poria, N., Tikotzky, L., Sadeh, A. (2021). Sleep, screen time and behaviour problems in preschool children: an actigraphy study. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Vol 30(11), 1793-1802.
Kahn, M., Barnett, N., Glazer, A., Gradisar, M. (2021). Sleep and screen exposure across the beginning of life: Deciphering the links using big-data analytics. Sleep, Vol 44 (3), zsaa158.
Kahn, M., Livne-Karp, E., Juda-Hanael, M., Omer, H., Tikotzky, L., Anders, T.F., Sadeh A. (2020). Behavioral interventions for infant sleep problems: The role of parental cry tolerance and sleep-related cognitions. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol 16 (8), 1275-1283.
Kahn, M., Juda-Hanael, M., Livne-Karp, E., Tikotzky, L., Anders, T.F., Sadeh A. (2020), Behavioral interventions for pediatric insomnia: one treatment may not fit all. Sleep, Vol 43(4), zsz268.
Kahn, M., Brunstein-Klomek, A., Hadas, A., Snir, A., Fennig, S. (2019), Early changes in depression predict outcomes of inpatient adolescent anorexia nervosa. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, Vol 25(3), 777-785.
Linetzky, M., Kahn, M., Lazarov, A., Pine, D., Bar-Haim, Y. (2019), Gaze-contingent Music Reward Therapy for clinically anxious 7-10-year-olds: An open multiple baseline feasibility study. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Vol 49(5), 618-625.
Sadeh., A., Tikotzky, L., Kahn, M. (2014), Sleep in infancy and childhood: Implications for emotional and behavioral difficulties in adolescence and beyond. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, Vol 27(6), 453-459.
Kahn, M., Fridenson, S., Lerer, R., Bar-Haim, Y., Sadeh A. (2014), Effects of one night of induced night-wakings versus sleep restriction on sustained attention and mood: a pilot study. Sleep Medicine, Vol 15, 825-832.
Kahn, M., Sheppes, G., Sadeh, A. (2013), Sleep and emotions: Bidirectional links and underlying mechanisms. International Journal of Psychophysiology, Vol 89(2), 218-228.
Zisenwine, T., Kaplan, M., Kushnir, J., Sadeh, A. (2012), Nighttime fears and fantasy-reality differentiation in preschool children. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, Vol 44(1), 186-199.